You can call me Ray
Genesis 49:25 states that Jacob told his son that God promises them "blessings of the deep that lie beneath." What could be mean? Is it yet another idealogy presented to people as a way to live their lives? Is it some wacky verse about fishermen? Or is it, as an American Oil Baron claims, the word of God proving that there is oil under Israel?
This evangelical Christian has raised SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS from other evangelical Christians to drill in Tel Aviv because he said God promises oil there. I have a problem with drilling for oil in the first place, but to drill somewhere where no oil has been found for FIFTY YEARS based on a literal tranlation of the bible? The dude even said he prayed for oil and God gave it to him. Now, I am not a Christian. I don't have a problem with peoples faiths, because none of my Christian friends are mad. But even I know that their God isn't that much of a pushover.
"Hey, all powerful figure who could change the world for the better and ensure the survival of the human race?"
"Yes rich, greedy capitalist?"
"Would you mind putting some oil somewhere for me to find it? Then I'll be rich!"
"Well, let me check the Deity handbook... yep, using my powers for personal gain is allowed! Have your oil my filthy friend!"
NO. The situation did not go like that. In America they are also being bombarded every day with more and more requests by mad Fundamentalist (Not the regular, nice Christians, the evil, hate-spreading we-want-it-all types) to let God have more power in America. They want to impose the CHRISTIAN faith on Americans. Not Greek or Roman, or any other belief that is older, or may have as many or more followers, not poor old Buddha or Shiva, but a Christian God. That's not a very nice message to be spreading. "You're either with us, or you're against us!" George Bush Senior once was asked what he was going to do to get the Athiest vote. He said he didn't care for them. The reporter asked why, and he replied something along the lines of "I don't care, because the way I see it, this is One Nation under God."
Hmmm. It's not good to give them more power, at witnessed with the Terry Schivao debacle that even we in New Zealand were shown. Come on smart, sane religious types! They are letting your side down! Stand up and reassure us that you're not all like that, and these guys are your inbred cousins or something!
In other news, the worlds total spending on weapons has reached ONE TRILLION DOLLARS. That's $162 for each person in the world. I could use $162. I can't use weapons. And guess which lovely country accounted for 47% of that number? America spend more money than every other developed country on blowing shit up it would seem. Can't you just, you know, take care of your fucking home front first? And not churn out war-mongering, anti-Muslim children?
God forbid people be allowed their own beliefs.
You make a very interesting point
7:50 PM
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