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Thursday, April 28, 2005

Watch this

Well, you can call off the search. I have found the greatest website ever. Allow me to introduce you all to Moore Watch. Located at, this lovely website sets out to prove what we all know, straight from the morons themselves. America is one fucked up place. Now, I am not American. I am not jealous of America. All you have over us is that your Simpsons episodes are newer, and you're all fucking downloading them anyways. Or TiVoing them you lazy lazy fucks. Now, back to the website. This site is dedicated to debunking the facts of Michael Moore. It's kinda sad that they, instead of focusing on issues, decide to attack a man who wants issues to be brought to light. Hell, it's not just Moore, a whole buttload of people have their opinions of America, yet they always go after him. Hmmm.

Moorewatch is a great great site. I mean, how can you not just go and burn up your copy of "Stupid White Men" with great posts as "Buy a Gun Day" or ads for people who want to date conservatives who appreciate the good Bush has done for America. Yay guns! Yay silencing opposition!!! Yeehaw!!! Now, the term "Coalition of the Willing" always confused me. Is there no difference between "Willing" and "Fucking Bullies" anymore? And don't fucking say a word about Saddam, "Oh, he was hurting his people". Yeah, and you've fucking created a paradise over that way, haven't you?

The dude who runs the site always whores himself out so you'll buy him stuff, and keep his crappy site up. This guy is a fucking tool. I need to become a shrink so I can finally understand how people can be SO FUCKING STUPID to be fed bullshit on a daily basis and smile in return. Bush can do no wrong, he is a God, gay people are bad and guns are good. Muslims are Terrorists and Terrorists are Muslim. There are no Communists, only Muslims. Did I mention guns are good? This guy wants Bush and the current situation to be right. Now, if Moore said "I have just video taped Bush eating babies" this guy would say "Oh, Mikey, you fatty, try to hate America a little more!" It's fucking sick that some people are so blind to what's going on in their very country! HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE IT! God! Their Hate-Mail page is great, they just don't seem open to any possible idea that Bush and America fucked things up! Now, I'm sure not everyone over there is like that but come on, we all see America as the big bully who throws his weight around, likes to get things his own way and surrounds himself with lackeys and yes men who will stand by and pretend not to mind when he gets drunk and FUCKS THINGS UP. But of course, no bullies at my school ever bombed civilians. You all need to calm down, put down the guns and just fucking relax! Gay people won't bite, Muslims aren't evil, SUVs don't make your penis bigger and life without war is a lot more fun.

Want to live like MooreWatch wants you to? Easy. Fags are evil. Guns are needed in todays society. Bush can do no wrong. If you don't support the killing of Muslims you are either a fag or a Communist. Which makes you a Muslim. Do you have your Pro-Bush bumper sticker next to your Creationist sticker on your SUV or Minivan? GO THE MILITARY! War is the only way. The national debt is a magical source we don't have to ever pay back. Who's gonna make us? Japan? Pfft we'll bomb them back to the stone age. The Media prints LIES!!! Iraq is a great place now! Saddam was evil and had his finger on the button! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED YET AGAIN!!! Michael Moore is wrong because he is fat and rich. The Lefties are evil and will make you gay. Moore faked that bit when Bush sat on his ass and stared at a goat! LIES LIES LIES! Moore-on is a funny term, and if you disagree with Bush Almighty then you are a faggy gun-hating Moore-on! And while you're at it, support my site!!!

I was planning on ranting about how much I hate European art films, but I guess that will do.

Todays thing you wouldn't want to hear about yourself in a newspaper: "... found with what police claim to be the worlds largest collection of childrens underwear."


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