So for today I've decided to do a Blog review. Basically, in the top (checks hands) right corner of my blog you'll find a link to the Next Blog. Of course, many of you would have already clicked it after losing so many brain cells on my numerous inane posts, but for those of you who are left, this is for you. It brings up a random blog everytime, so what I will do is review three random blogs. Thursday should be Random Blog day. Hot dog!
Blog one: Everything's so blurry.
Now, I've already reached a problem. This Blog is in Indonesian. And while I speak pretty much all languages, Indonesian is, by sheer coincidence, the one I thought I would never have to learn. So since I can't review it, here's what I think it says:
4.21.2005 - Rumah Senja
Dear blog. Today I had toast for breakfast.
4.20.2005 - perkawinan malam
Dear blog. Today I had oatmeal for breakfast.
4.19.2005 - jingga tanpa kata kata
Dear blog. I wish I had a friend. Oh Lord how I wish I had a friend.
So in closing, I can't make this blog entertaining. I wonder if there is a blog graveyard? Or like an old folks home where all the breakfasts posts play dominios and Matt Drudge runs around with a stupid hat trying to tell people about the time he won the War on Terrorism?
Blog Duex (that's French for the next blog) - gonna say Go -
Alright, this one's fun. The second blog I reach is a garbled advertising site. Either that or this dudes got a REALLLY fucking boring life. The entire site is a shill for an other known as apparently. Which I can't be bothered looking up. So guys, so far not so good. Let us try one more, and pray for our salvation. Someone's gotta be hosting a webcam of their cat...
Blog the Three: Kidpurple on Blogger -
Hot damn, anything that starts off with the words "Free Ipod", "Sign Up" and "Referral" in the same line HAS to be PURE GOLD!!! Apparently this is our second favourite website, which is redundant since A) it's not a website and B) if it were of course it is your second favourite. It goes My site, then everyone elses site in a distant second. But let us take a look. At least they have a picture up on the side bar... OH MY GOD. Well, I just saw his profile picture. He looks like dude I sat next to on the bus, the dude who was four seconds away from shouting "HAIL HITLER." It's a brilliant set-up, having one of those annoying e-maily type things in the top in a different font. They are always SO personal, aren't they? Well, with only three posts this guy must never eat breakfast.
Must be why he's so bald.
*EDIT* Ok, those three sites bored me to tears faster than reading my own one does so I clicked on another and got PURE GOLD!!!1 Take a gander at Rally Against Teachers -
This is a very informative and well thought out website detailing the pain and suffering this poor individual goes through every day. I really feel for them in their cause. They have to put up with being an emo in a world that really wants to just get shit done. They have to face such hatred and intolerance as being obviously such a gifted mind in a world that doesn't care. And if my doesn't care, you mean laughs at their stupid ugly monkey face. Boo hoo. Teachers suck. Fight the power. Now where's my Dashboard Confessional CD...
Todays thing you won't want to hear about yourself in a newspaper: "... found beaten to death with his own severed member."